My Blog List

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Rug hooking

Several years ago one of my friends talked me into going to a rug hooking group with her.  I figured I'd done one and be done...nope.  A new addiction although I have this one under better control than unfinished projects but I do have a few patterns in line 😉

This is my first rug

Next was a chair pad

Next came snowman

Then the big project

My current project

Almost done!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Celtic solstice laid out

Here are the blocks laid out...funny how the sunlight hi lights the one block!  Now to sew the top together.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Mystery quilt - Celtic Solstice

Beginning each November Bonnie Hunter does a free mystery quilt that runs about 6 weeks.  Each year I vow to sew along but life and the holidays get in the way so it turns into my January, after all the holiday things are put away, project.  I have more fabric than I'll ever sew and I'm trying to bust my stash with her "use your ugly  and old fabric" scrap quilt method.  Each quilt I've made using her technique has turned out wonderful.  I use her color suggestions which sometimes push me out of my box and this year is no exception...there is no way I'd have put these colors together but I think it's going to be great!

Here is my pile of finished blocks

Here's a look at the pattern when the blocks are laid out

Perhaps tomorrow I'll get the whole top laid out and start sewing the rows together.

Until next time!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Lone survivor

Today we went and saw Lone Survivor at the movies.  We saw Marcus Lutrell speak at a 4th of July rally in 2009.  The pain was still palpable on his face and in his speech...he was remarkable.  And so is the movie.  Hero is a word so cheaply used today and yet Marcus is the embodiment of the word.  The courage of our navy seals is beyond measure.  If you haven't seen Lone Survivor yet..go!  At the very least, go to pay tribute to those who gave their lives in service to their country.

Lone Survivor trailer

Trying out blogging

I love blogs.  They are a source of inspiration and new ideas.  They take us to places we've never been and places we'd like to go.  They make strangers into friends and keep us in touch with those we love.  They give us a voice to share our thoughts and ideas.  Love it or hate it, what you see here will be who I am.  Bear with me as I begin this new adventure.